Sunday, March 25, 2012

Monsanto wants to brainwash your children with 'Biotechnology Basics Activity Book'

Big Chemical uses endearing foundation names to hide damaging products, like "Meat for the World," or "Give Bread to the Hungry."  These are not real names of foundations funding campaigns, ads, and some of your favorite programs -- but you get the picture.  The intention is to brainwash for political and public support and profit through ignorance. 

During the "green revolution" in India, Union Carbide opened its now infamous and deteriorating chemical plant in Bhopal India.  UC's mission was to make lots of money by using cheap labor to manufacture the pesticide Sevin.  The Bhopal Union Carbide plant was managed by Union Carbide home office (now Bayer CropScience) in Institute, West Virginia. 

The worst industrial disaster in world history. 
On December 3, 1984, the Bhopal plant, mismanaged and deteriorated, leaked the highly toxic chemical Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) into a highly populated community with no evacuation route available.  Instead of feeding the hungry, Union Carbide killed and injured half a million people and polluted a large part of India for many generations.

What you don't know, can kill you.
Monsanto wants to brainwash your children with 'Biotechnology Basics Activity Book'

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